Dendrimers and IgM hitchhiking
Professor Moein Moghimi, Co-founder of SMDG and Professor of Pharmaceutics and Nanomedicine, Newcastle University and colleagues' work on a new class of chemically synthesized molecules, dendrimers. The paper was published in Nature Communications. These findings contribute to mechanistic understanding of complement surveillance of dendrimeric materials, and provide opportunities for dendrimer-driven engineering of complement-safe nanomedicines and medical devices.
August 2021
SMDG Expands its Advisory
SMDG is expanding it's advisory boards by adding an additional business advisory board. "We are very fortunate to have some of the leading scientists and business experts to advising and assisting us. By adding a new business advisory board, SMDG is getting ready for the next critical stage of expansion, development and beyond pre-clinical, towards getting our effective and safe therapies for neurological disorders and other diseases to patients. The first three distinguished advisors joining our business advisory board include Ms. Susan Howley and Mr. Jim Brasunas. They bring decades of business acumen and experience to SMDG." Dr. Farhangrazi, CEO of SMDG stated.
Summer 2021
SMDG is a finalist in Bionow
SMDG in a finalist in the annual Bionow awards. Every year, Bionow awards are given to promising companies and healthcare and science projects and awards ceremony is held showcasing the best of this world class sector. The prestigious Bionow Awards are a highlight of the life sciences calendar every year. "This is a further recognition of our work and innovative research towards finding effective and safe therapies for neurological diseases. " Dr. Farhangrazi, CEO of SMDG said today.
January 2021
SMDG Awarded a Patent Protection Grant
SMDG has been awarded a patent protection grant by the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (UK). "This award will greatly help SMDG in further broadening our Intellectual Property (IP) portfolio, protecting our new inventions and designing more therapeutic applications based on our novel and new class of nanoparticles, NanoLigand Carriers (NLCs)" Dr. Farhangrazi, CEO of SMDG said today.
October 2020
Designing Better Nanomaterials - New Project
SMDG is a partner in a newly EU funded project. The project titled, DIRNANO will focus on designing better nanomaterials and greater understanding of how nanomaterials interact with the immune system. The project which officially starts in January 2021 has brought together distinguished researchers from ten universities and seven SMEs from across Europe.
October 2020
Airborne Particulate Matter and SARS-CoV-2 Partnership: Virus Hitchhiking, Stabilization and Immune Cell Targeting — A Hypothesis
A hypothesis paper in the Frontiers in Immunology by the SMDG team and collaborators at Newcastle University, UK, the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy and University of Lincoln, UK, takes a detailed and extensive look at airborne transmission of coronavirus-2 and the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in humans.
September 2020
Notable mention
SMDG's biotechnology platform mentioned in significant and notable research of 2019: "This was the year that was: brain barriers and brain fluid research in 2019" - This editorial written by the editors of the journal highlights significant and notable advances in the brain, barrier and brain fluid research, Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, published in 2019.
March 2020
Phage Mimetic Self-Assemblies Deliver Nucleic Acids to the Brain
An invited review about our biotechnology platform.
The brain is a privileged organ heavily protected by a complex cellular barrier termed the blood–brain barrier (BBB), which selectively excludes most blood-borne substances from entering the brain. The BBB accounts for the failure of a large number of promising neurotherapeutics, including nucleic acid medicines such as RNA interference (siRNA). In the past decade, we have witnessed vested efforts in finding viable strategies for drug delivery to the brain.
February 2020